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And here we are, month six of this blog. I’ve had fun, and I hope my readers have as well. Though I know I’ve ticked off people with it too. But that’s my nature, I suppose.

Managed to keep the daily post thing going. Hasn’t been easy. Life gets in the way, but so far I’ve managed.

In my personal near future, big changes are coming. I’m not sure what they are. Or how I will face them. Or what the fall out will be from how I deal with it. All I know it, well, I’ll have to face it down.

Such is the Path of Power.

As for what follows in general in the month of June, I have our reading up and ready to go.

As you can see, nothing in the inner circles (Present) of North and East, but we have Dagaz in the South (Passion) and Eihwaz in the West (Emotion). That said, in the middle circle (Coming Future) we have Ehwaz in the North (Physical), Othala in the East (Mental), and Isa in the South. This is finished up with Raido in the Outer Circle (Distant Future) North.


The Present is one of Passions Breaking through and Awakening, filled with Emotional Initiation. Arising from this shall be Physical Teamwork, with Mental Aiding in a Journey, but faced with ones Passions in Concentration. This will all lead up to a Physical Journey and/or Growth.