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We’re all familiar with the Golden rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Nice, simple, not so easy.

Doesn’t really work that well.

See, the problem with that is you have to be the good person, pretty much all the time, if you want people to be good to you. Problem is, in life, people tend to not be so good. Especually to people who follow said golden rule. They’ll use them, relying on the goodness of said person, but often enough can’t always be counted on to be good in turn.

I work in the “hospitality” industry. At least I think that’s what they call it. Basically, an industry focused on being Hospitable. Of course, we’ve really forgotten what Hospitality is these days. Used to be hospitality was a two way street. One person had to be a good host, and the other had to be a good guest. These days, however, it seems there’s an over emphasis on being a “Good Host” which tends to run along the lines of kissing asses and bending over whenever a guest wants, and the guest can pretty much be as big an asshole as they want and it’s not a problem (as long as they pay on time and don’t break anything). I know, because where I work people can stay for months, even years. They can be complete assholes to everyone who complain about every tiny little thing, and they still get to stay. And if they don’t get what they want, they will raise unholy hell about it till someone (occasionally innocent) get’s into a heap of trouble.

Which is partially why I have my own “Golden Rule.” Like unto Like.

It’s a Heathen thing, found literally in the Havamal, or “Sayings of the High One.” It’s a bit of Heathen wisdom handed down from Odin. The basic concept is exactly what it says on the tin: Like for like. Treat others as they have treated you. Return goodness with good, and evil with evil.

Of course, a lot of people don’t really like this stance. Which makes sense. It means that if you’re an asshole, well, you get the same treatment back. This, of course, can lead to a lot of confrontation. And that’s terrible. Or so they say. Of course, the people who say that are often the ones who want their plans to go off with the help of everyone giving everything said people want, and they don’t want to hear jack in protest. So your mileage may vary on the nobility of their argument.

Still, it could have the effect of making the world a better place. It gives people a good reason to be nice, because if they are not nice, suddenly there is a consequence. There is no “turn the other cheek.”

There’s just “Deck you in the schnoz.”