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Right, so carrying on. I am going to be taking a more “positive” light on this one because we’re exploring “why people might like Nazis” rather than going full tilt into all sized of Nazism and what happened. Mostly because every discussion I see is always “Nazis so evil, why would you ever like them?” and unless you show the “positives” you’ll never understand why people see positive things.

We’ve got a nation that has been brutally raped by a war it didn’t start. You’ve got your people selling themselves into prostitution of all kinds, everyone is starving, all hope is lost. To make matters worse, you have a mass murdering, Jewish led, “revolution” that has been sweeping all across eastern Europe, slaughtering people for the crime of not instantly giving into the Revolution. A revolution whose goal is to make “white negros” to do the labor of the revolution and it’s Jewish leaders, but never challenge them for power.

The same revolutionaries just had an attempted Revolution in your country, funded and staffed by your own country’s rich Jewish population. The same Jewish population that owns pretty much half your banks, half your media, runs your stock market, owns 80% of all chain stores in your country. The same Jewish elite who sold out your country at the of the war so they could get their ancestral homeland of Judea back from the British. And the same Jewish population who happens to own the majority of the brothels that have enslaved your people and turned your once proud nation into the sex tourism capital of the world, with everything from bestiality to boipussi.

Where you can get the best blow job in the city for under $3 American.

Whatever is a goy to do?

Well, you start looking for something that offers a solution to the problem. And in the case of many in Germany, it was National Socialism: Aka Nazism.

Now, these days Nazis are considered “Far Right,” and possessing of extremely racist views and authoritarian, nay, draconian nature. And while its authoritarian nature is not to be denied, nor is their efficiency in trying to remove “undesirable” people from their Nation state, like most things much is omitted from our education when it comes to the Nazis.

For example, Hitler himself considered the Nazis no to be right-wing at all, but actually more Centrist when it came to politics.

Certainly, the Nazis did align and join up with more right wing parties like the Freikorps, but that is not surprising given that they were Nationalists first and foremost, unlike the Communists who wanted to abolish the nation.

Even the early stages of the Nazi party had a mixture of ideologies, with some being pro-capitalism, while others were vehemently communist in nature, like Goebbels. Eventually, a middle ground was reached (for the most part) where in Hitler guided the Nazis to respect private property and personal enterprise, so long as those enterprises did not threaten the state.

This helped allay the fears of more Right Wing Germans, who no doubt were worried about National Socialism almost as much as they were by PanNational Communism. It also did a pretty good job of potentially heading off situations like those which had led to the collapse of Germany (such as the stock market). And he held to this position. Some are no doubt familiar with Hitler’s purging of the SA in the “Night of Long Knives.” This was due to the SA and their leader jumping ship and attempting to destroy private enterprises and property, a violation of Nazi policy that threatened to turn the German Right against the party.

But what we’re taught is that Hitler merely purged the SA because he was violent and they threatened his power.

I’m not going to get too much in the social stuff at the moment (though it is very interesting) mostly because I’m still doing research into it. What interests me though is that most of the social practices of the Nazis do seem to line up with a lot of the social problems seen during the Wiemar republic and its disastrous doings to the German people.

Being against homosexuality and relationships with non-Germans certainly do take on new light when you realize that both those things were used to exploit the German people. Even demographic decline, like you hear so much about these days, was addressed. The Nazis put great emphasis on Germans giving birth to new Germans. Which is a far, far cry from all western countries today that push replacing the Native population not with births of their own, but with immigration of foreigners.

Of particular interest to me, though, is the Economics of the Nazis. Remember, Hitler and the Nazis took Germany from literally the poorest place in Europe to the most powerful in just about two years (the nazis took power in 33, Germany was economically powerful by 35 when the war started), while every other nation was continuously suffering from the Great Depression. An important thing to note is that the total war debt Germany was suppose to pay was TRIPLE THE ENTIRE VALUE OF ALL PROPERTY IN GERMANY.

So, how was this solved? Basically, Hitler declared a bunch of national works projects. Each of these projects had a fixed price of 1 Billion Marks, and this was paid out via Labor Treasury Certificates. It wasn’t backed by gold, or precious metals, or anything like that. It was backed, essentially, by “goods and labor.” Hitler himself is quoted to have said: “For every mark issued, we require an equivalent mark’s worth of work done, or goods produced.”

Now for anyone who knows how money works in today’s economics, you will realize just how amazing, revolutionary, (and terrifying to some), this idea is. For those who don’t, I’ll explain.

Basically, in today’s world, and pretty much back then as well, Governments do not print their own money. In fact, our Governments do not even own the money we use. Instead, you have what in America are called “Reserve” banks. These banks print money, and then essentially loan it to our government. This is why you’ll hear economists talking about “interest rates” being a fundamental part of the economy. Because everything in the economy is based on money being loaned out from Banks, be it to the state, companies, or individuals. Our money works only on the basis that the public trusts in that money, it’s not backed by anything, it doesn’t exist in relation to anything except debt. That’s part of why inflation is so feared, and why it’s as bad as it is now when you compare the price of goods from even just forty years ago to the price of goods today.

Also, today, economic crashes are kind of a constant, as are other economic issues which can be traced back to Loans, Stock Markets, international corporations, and currency speculation, even issues with international trade deficits.

The Nazi economy had none of that.

Marks were worth labor or goods.

Private enterprises meant most businesses were small, and those that did manage to get big never became international corporations as we know them, because the moment they did, they could threaten the state. So there was none of this “sending jobs overseas” because the instant a company tried to take away jobs from Germans, it was no longer a company, it got seized by the state. Most “right wing” Americans would likely cry in horror at the idea that the US government could seize GM for setting up a factory in China…but consider the present state of American Auto Workers (which no longer exists) and the economic devastation that can follow. Hell, just look at Detroit for an example of that. They went from one of the most financially successful and desirable places to live…to a god damn war-torn hellhole. And all because the jobs left the country. It’s a very, very common story.

Privately owned businesses also means no real Stock Market. Most people don’t really get what the Stock Market is or what it actually does, they just know its there and hit helps them “save for retirement.” The problem is that the Stock Market is basically a con-show/gambling den that has fucking ruined work in the USA.

What happens is you have guys who put up shares in their business in order to get funding. So far, not so bad. The idea is that “if you give us Y money for X percent of our business, we can make B product and sell it for G money, and you’ll get Y+Z money back for your investment. Again, so far, not so bad. I’m perfectly fine with this. The problem is that with the Stock Market, said investor then takes X shares and tells someone: “Hey, I bought these shares for Y, but if you’ll give me Y+5, I’ll give them to you and you can get Y+Z.” And the other guy buys them. But then he goes to another guy and says “Hey, these will be worth Y+Z, so if you’ll give me Y+50, I’ll let you have them.” And they’re sold and that guy goes “I have X for Y+75, who wants?” And so on and so forth. And then, the day comes when profits are returned, and it turns out to be Z=30. But the stock had sold for Y+400. So everyone who had sold before gets to talk off with their money, but the last guy has just lost 370…which means he either eats the loss, or maybe does whatever he can to recoup that loss from the shares he had in the company by taking his losses from them. But the shares were at Y+400, and everyone sees that 370 loss, so they refuse to invest in that company again…which kills that company’s ability to develop and compete with other companies who haven’t done as badly.

The other problem with stock markets is that it separates the “investors” from the company. They just want to make money, and they want to make their money as much and as quickly as they can. So there’s no reason to enact practices that improve the company long term, because that’s potential money down the line. What is wanted is money right now, so short term profits take the place of long term gains…which ultimately hurt both company, and especially the workers in that company.

By basing the currency off of goods and labor, rather than debt, Hitler managed to almost overnight, create a situation where Germans could find work, or create and sell goods without going into debt. As soon as one German started working on one of the projects, he had real money with tangible value. He could then use that money for other tangible goods or labor, which could then be passed on for the same.

Of course, this was terrifying to Bankers. Imagine if other nations in the world, facing similar situations to what Germany had, started adopting the same practices? The economic power of the banks, and their owners, would be gone completely.

Now, I mentioned trade. Well, in response to all this, the Banks (and a lot of Jewish owned businesses) enforced a trade embargo on Germany. Still, once things had gotten going, Germany did trade with some of its neighbors. But due to the embargo…it was direct trade: goods for goods. So there were no trade deficits.

Even loans and debt were addressed. When the VolkWagon got started, you pre-paid for your car, and once it was paid for…you owned it outright.

And there was no real inflation. The Government controlled the currency, and the government could only create currency in exchange for goods or labor, that prevented just printing money and making it worthless. Unlike, say, present day where “we” print money to pay off debts created in part by borrowing money “we” print.”

Sure, some industries were owned purely by the Government. The ones that needed large scale resources and employment. But again, remember that the economy was based on the government printing marks in exchange for labor or goods. Easiest way to do that is to have industries that produce goods directly under the government. Sure, you could do it where private corporations made the goods and then the government purchased those goods, to then sell to the people, but that gets complicated, inefficient, and opens up more doors for corruption.

Most of us shudder at the idea of that, mostly because of our knowledge of communism where the state owns everything and the people work for the state. With the Nazis though, the state “worked for the Volk,” meaning that while authoritarian, the Nazi government was not unlike the USA’s government which ostensibly is supposed to “serve the people” instead of rule them. The fact that industries like automobiles had the VolksWagon produced and sold for a price meant to be easily obtainable by every German family is an example of this.

So what was life like under Nazis? Well, we know what it was like for those the Nazis didn’t like or felt were a threat to society (and as shown in the last two posts, not entirely without reason). But what about the average German? Well…for those willing to say so, it was apparently pretty good.

Incentives were given to women to stay home and have children. Unemployment went from 2/3rds of the population to virtually non-existent. Youth programs abounded, education was excellent. Housing was cheap, cars were cheap, and work was something you could believe in because you were helping to make your nation amazing. And religion was remarkably free, with Atheists, Christians, and Pagans living side by side virtually unmolested for their faith (in fact, the infamous SS was an almost entirely Germanic Pagan organization).

A stable, prosperous nation, where you were a good person, a desired person. The state worked for you, your children could grow up strong and healthy, and look forwards to a prosperous future. You could have children, many children if you wanted, and no one called you evil. You didn’t have people exploiting you, or calling you a bigot, or trying to destroy you. You had a strong, well spoken leader. There were movies, parks, and social gatherings with filled with people who were proud to call you their countryman…not shame you for thinking differently than them. Your history and culture was celebrated as Noble, not evil. In a nation free of debt, on the leading edge of technological progress, and the envy of the entire world.

I wonder why anyone would find that attractive in this day and age?



Hela Bless